
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Farmwife at Midlife

Dear Friends In the Pantry,

It's official! I have a new blog that I've been mulling over for the past few months and it's just been launched in 2011. Farmwife at Midlife better reflects my life as it has evolved over the past few years, and yet will continue what I've enjoyed so much here In the Pantry (as I hope you have, too). I promise that it will only enlarge upon everything here in a very different format. Sometimes we just need a change and this one, like so many in my life, just feels right.

But don't worry, I'm not leaving In the Pantry behind. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to get me out of it! I will just be focusing on my new blog, and other ventures from our farm, including more freelance writing, and hope you will join me there.

I will still blog here on occasion, but with quite specific pantry-related references [and Carolyn MacDonald, I haven't forgotten you!], links and other information as it pertains to pantries or my book. Of course, you can still purchase signed copies of The Pantry–Its History and Modern Uses [Gibbs Smith: 2007] from my website.

I wish you all good things in the year ahead!
