
Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Pantry in The Wall Street Journal

Catherine Seiberling Pond was interviewed about the history of pantries in "The Rise of the Super Pantry," by Nancy Keates, The Wall Street Journal, September 11, 2014 [print edition: September 12, 2014]. Click here for a link to the article.

The Pantry–Its History and Modern Uses is no longer in print but still available for purchase from my website. I bought it back from my publisher, Gibbs Smith, in 2009 when it was remaindered, knowing that pantries were only just beginning to enjoy a design resurgence.

Hardbound, signed and beautifully photographed, copies of the only printing of The Pantry–Its History and Modern Uses are available for only $20.00 (including shippingexclusively from the author. Click on the "Order THE PANTRY" link, above, for more information or to order, or contact Catherine Pond at [PayPal or check.]