Once in awhile I come across a blog that just speaks to me. Today, Margaret and Helen came into my in-box via a friend who just knew I would love this blog. She was right. These two women have been friends for over 60 years and aren't afraid to speak their minds. Recently they have had daily blogs about politics and politicians. Whatever your politics, they have some words of wisdom for all of us and, one day, I hope I am as feisty and reflective as they are.
I am lucky to have a variety of great girlfriends--three since childhood (one since the crib, whom I hope to see next week for the first time in 7 years! -- one since kindergarten and one since middle school --so that's 46, 41 and 32 years respectively. Beth and Robin and Di, we're gaining fast on Margaret and Helen!), another for almost 20 years and the rest in the past decade or so, especially the past five years. I am very blessed. Now these are all women I count as really great sister-like girlfriends. I am also lucky to have some good college friends--and others--with whom I'm back in touch again or have remained in touch, thanks to the internet and wonders of cyberspace. Margaret and Helen, here we come!
Tonight, they posted about cinnamon rolls, a tribute to Grandmothers everywhere (with a request for readers' own grandmother memories). How very sad that Obama's grandmother passed at this time and was not able to live to see the day when her grandson would become the first African-American president of the United States of America! It is clear to see what an influence this woman was in Barack Obama's life, as so many of us are fortunate to have had in our own grandmothers.
I think Margaret and Helen would approve of this message below, from MoveOn, also just received in my in-box this afternoon. It too, mentions grandchildren and the legacy we will bring them on tomorrow's election day. Kentucky is likely not going to be a Blue state any time soon but this message gives us all pause and reason to VOTE, wherever we are. My daughter, now 20, is happy to be able to vote in her first presidential election tomorrow. I am happy to vote, period, and have never held this right so dearly as I am this year. [But oh how I am looking forward to the end of this campaign--to returning to "normal" and not being so anxious about everything. I pray that this nation can heal from the divisiveness and move forward, together, united again.]
Dear MoveOn member,
You don't live in Ohio. You don't live in Florida. The chance is pretty small that Kentucky will decide the presidential election. So: Why vote?
Here's why. This list is important—so please read it, and then pass it along:
The Top 5 Reasons To Vote In Kentucky
Or: Why It Still Means A Thing Even If It Ain't Got That Swing
Big margin = big mandate. The popular vote doesn't put anyone in the White House, but it affects what presidents can do when they get there. Want Obama to be able to actually do the stuff he's been talking about? Pass universal health care? End the war? Then we need a landslide.
The other things on the ballot matter! For example: Congress. Without more support in the House and Senate, Obama will have a hard time getting progressive laws passed. Plus, there are other important local races and ballot questions in some places.
If you don't vote, everyone can find out. Voting records are public. (Not who you voted for, just whether you voted.) Pretty soon, finding out whether you voted could be as easy as Googling you.
Help make history. You could cast one of the votes that elect the first African-American president. If we win, we'll tell our grandchildren about this election, and they'll tell their grandchildren. Do you really want to have to explain to your great-great-grandchildren that you were just too busy to vote in the most important election in your lifetime?
People died so you'd have the right to vote. Self-government—voting to choose our own leaders—is the original American dream. We are heir to a centuries-long struggle for freedom: the American revolution, and the battles to extend the franchise to those without property, to women, to people of color, and to young people. This year, many will still be denied their right to vote. For those of us who have that right, it's precious. If we waste it, we dishonor those who fought for it and those who fight still.
Live your values. Love your country. Vote.
Click here for information about where to vote, what to bring, and when polls close:
LOL - I found Margaret and Helen a couple weeks ago and have found the site to be very neat and amusing. Everyone get out and vote!
ReplyDeleteKaren in Arkansas