
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"These are the days of miracle and wonder..."

I don't know exactly why but I've had the lyrics to Paul Simon's "The Boy in the Bubble" song in my head (from his 1986 album Graceland) for the past few days. I think it may be the abundance of sunshine, or the abundance of "miracle and wonder" in our own lives (and this glorious Kentucky springtime), or the fact that I'm about to take a road trip to Missouri with my friend Anna (and I always associate car travel with cranking Graceland and its upbeat music). But lately, and thanks in huge measure to the sun after a long and gloomy winter (sans snow but with some ice, and a lot of rain), we have been counting our blessings. Always a good thing to do--at any time. [One line in the song especially resonates now, 23 years later in this internet realm of blogs, Facebook and email: "Staccato signals of constant information..."]

As I am getting ready for a trip to Missouri with my friend Anna, I should be doing everything else but blogging (but I know that die-hard bloggers will empathize as will those "packing procrastinators" out there). I promise more from the road or upon return but I'm looking forward to visiting Laura Ingalls Wilder's Rocky Ridge home in Mansfield, Missouri (where she lived for over fifty years with her husband Almanzo and where she wrote her famous "Little House" books). Also, an heirloom seed company that publishes a great catalog, at least, Baker Creek Seeds, is having their annual spring festival on May 3 & 4, also in Mansfield, that I plan to attend (the only reason we're bringing the Honda Pilot along: plant purchase potential! Baker Creek is known for their dozens of tomato heirlooms, among other kinds of rare seeds).

My favorite tree on an adjacent ridge top that I enjoy in every season.

As it was a day of clear blue skies and sunshine, yesterday I brought my camera everywhere and documented some local flora and fauna along with an attempt at pie-making after a two-year lull (see my Easy as Pie Day blog entry, above). It was the end of three lovely, memorable days.

While I was making pie, Henry said, "Momma, come see! Bring your camera!" It was a nest of baby robins in a bush behind the house. We were blessed with several nests of robins on our Hancock, NH porches these past two summers so it was a welcome sight, indeed.

Blessings to you and enjoy the sunshine,


The pups--from left to right, Patch, John and Tom--were 5 months old yesterday, on April 27, when this photo was taken.

Tom keeps watch over one of many garden gnomes in a shady spot on a hot spring day.

My eye caught some purple by the side of the road. It was a large cache of miniature iris, a prolific wildflower here that blooms for only a few days in late April. The first photo in this blog entry is also a miniature iris but shot close up (they are only about 4" tall).

One of several cast iron vintage-style gnomes purchased from Target a few weeks ago outside of Asheville, NC with my Cupcake friends (yeah, ok, I couldn't help myself and even though they were made in China, they were an irresistible deal--and I hadn't even been IN a Target in over six months!). This one is sleeping on the job next to my vegetable garden (which will receive my full attention on return from Missouri).

1 comment:

  1. A robin's nest! What a lovely gift for you. The robins were such a feature on your porch in Hancock. Great blogs, all -- wonderful to be a roll with writing, baking, gardening and now off on a trip. We can't wait to hear all about it.
    Love, Edie


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