How did summer end so quickly? I always start to feel the effects of diminished light by the middle of August and then the pull of school. With our daughter in college and the boys set to go back in the middle of September (late, I know), we are entering that uneven and anticlimactic time in our household.
Being in Kentucky last week was a good way to transition but I'd forgotten that there we are within a few miles of the Central Time Zone boundary so it was still quite light at 8:30pm in late August (while still in Eastern Time). Not here. We returned to New Hampshire, a bit road-weary, where it is beautiful but cool...and dark. And I already miss those 100 degree days!
Driving home we saw lots of cars and minivans packed to the gills with college-bound students and their stuff (and sometimes their parents). It is a big weekend for many schools in the Northeast. I saw a young man in the back seat of one car, surrounded by his worldly goods in the back and to the side of him, looking perhaps a bit fearful, and his parents in the front. A big day for all. I found myself silently well-wishing the people in each college-bound car as we passed.
We pulled in the drive at home, checked on the bunnies and our dog (who had her 11th birthday while we were away!), and then unloaded the car and headed to the garden. Eli and I checked on the progress of the pumpkins and they are still green and growing. The few Sugar Baby watermelons that were walnut-sized a week ago are now almost ready to pick! Another hot/warm week should help them along. Meanwhile, there is an abundanza of zukes, summer squash and cucumbers and Judy, our friend who stayed here while we were gone, did her best to keep up with them. The gardens in Kentucky are a month ahead: they are now picking winter squash and pumpkins. Everything else has been thrown out to the cattle. It was an unusual summer and growing season for them with all of the extreme heat and drought and a severe freeze at blossom-time in the spring. [And August must be odder still for Kentuckians--perhaps more like September is for us--as the children return to school early in the month and get out in mid-May each year.]
At dusk (7:30), we heard a tremendous cackling of two V-formations of Canada geese flying overhead towards the pond down the road. I couldn't believe the number or the sound. My husband, ever the pragmatist, said, "Well, it is almost fall after all and that's what geese do." Sigh. Once I get through this "odd uneven time" (where did that phrase come from? I must Google it!) I will be fine and I'll love having the autumn of the year. This year it just seems too soon.
1 comment:
I agree-summer went way too quickly this year. This is actually the first summer I can remember where I'm sad to see it end. Up here in northern California, in the upper Sacramento Valley, the temps for August can easily be over 105-110 (even hotter) so I'm always glad when summer is over. This year is different-I can't quite put my finger on it. :(
Catherine, I'm right in the middle of reading your book. I'm wondering how you found all the pantries for including in it? The one in New York that has been in the same family since the late 1700' did you hear of it? How did you find the other ones?
Inquiring minds want to know-well, at least this one does! :)
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