Just a note to say that I'm packing to head on up to the New England for two weeks and I may, or may not, post here during that time. Like Mary Poppins, I'm watching for the right weather window to depart–and yes, we gladly support our Interstate Highway System–and also tying up loose ends so that I can hit the road for two weeks!
Like the crazed mother that I am, yesterday I spent the afternoon making 16 pans of meatloaf, several meals of "Poor Man's Steak" (I will post both recipes "one day"), and Swedish meatballs with my Old Order Mennonite friend Anna. This weekend I might add some casseroles and some more soup, just for kicks. [Let me just say that this was the most fun I've had in the kitchen in a long time and there is something to be said for "once a month cooking" or "freezer cooking" and the food clubs that people have to make a lot of food in advance. It was so easy with Anna's help and in three hours we had enough meals for three weeks and the kitchen cleaned, floor washed and food on the table for everyone's dinner. The last time I did this was when I was pregnant with our second child–part of a nesting instinct, I'm certain.] Now our husbands, and my children, will be well-fed while we're away and good food goes far when Momma's out of town. I suspect it will also make up, hopefully a lot, for my two-week absence.
Anna is coming with me, as far as Pennsylvania, where she will spend two glorious weeks visiting with her sisters, a son and some grandchildren, while I head up, after a visit with friends in Wyeth country, to the Woodstock Writer's Festival and on into New England. There I will spend some time with our daughter, my mother, and some very dear old friends, including the Cupcakes! Can you say "I am so excited that I'm completely freaking out!"?

In the meantime, I am watching the skies and hoping for smooth sailing when I depart mid-week. I still haven't finished my archives project here–and even made a major gaff on old Flickr photos where I deleted some that had fed to older blog posts so there are huge visual gaps here and there–but I invite your perusal of old blogs from the past four, almost five, years now.
Thank you, as always, for reading and I hope you'll come back, hear?
My very best wishes,
Be safe and enjoy yoursel!
Blow some kisses at the Monadnock Region for me! Destiny
Have a great time Catherine. I'll miss your posts but I'm sure we'll hear all about the trip when you get back.
I can so relate to being both excited to go and wishing I never made plans to leave. What is that? Like you said, once on the road all is well. It's always nice to get back home too.
Have fun.
Lorie J.
Safe travels :)
Get your batteries re-energized and have a wonderful time! I know you'll be glad to get back here to Temple and the dimple twins, though.
Yosemite Cat House
Enjoy your trip back to New England! I just found you blog and I think it's so cozy and wonderful! The crazies thing is that you are headed through Pa where I am originally from and on into Vermont where I now live. I just adore it here (Southern Vermont)and feel blessed every time I look out my window.
Thank you everyone--I look forward to being on the road, seeing family and friends, and coming home again. Not looking forward to the next three days of "stuff to do" and ts to cross before I go (now leaving a day later because of the next storm to hit the mid-Atlantic midweek!)
Destiny, I will say HI to Monadnock (always a thrill for us when we'd drive out from Ohio each summer as a kid) and T.J., welcome to the blog!
Take care ~ Catherine
I'm sure we'll hear all about the trip when you get back.
Work from home India
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