Seasons Greetings to you all! Here for your enjoyment is a branch of Kentucky mistletoe from our farm and just brought to me by my two boys. This parasitic plant, which has much lore and legend surrounding it, was traditionally shot out of its host tree with shotguns. [Ours was cut from a dying and felled tree in the midst of our fencing–more about fences very soon.] Only the female plants produce the splendid white berries, enjoyed by many species of birds.
I will post more about this prolific Appalachian plant before Christmas. For now, enjoy your holidays, the love and warm embrace of family and friends, and the comfort of your home.
Blessings and thanks to you all,
I don't believe I've ever seen REAL mistletoe, it's so beautiful! How wonderful you've got a real one to use for Christmas smoochies!
Im afraid in Florida we don't see much KY mistletoe, or any other state's variety for that fact. LOL But what is so touching that you son, thought of you and gave you such a beauty. How sweet!
(it really is pretty - and you photographed it so well)
I've been keeping my eyes in the tree tops looking for some near by : )
And you know, I forgot all about the "smoochie" aspect of the plant! Truly ; )
Shot out of a tree?!!! Wow!
Nan, I did not mean to imply that we shot it out of a tree (it probably wouldn't look so nice if we had!) but that this was the traditional way of getting it. (A friend of mine in NH grew up in Florida and recalled her father doing that.)
We had felled some old trees that were dying along our fence row, and to better get in the fencing, and there was some growing on one of the limbs. Much easier but we won't make a habit of felling trees to GET it each year, either!
Oh, I knew you didn't but I was just amazed that some people have done this! An absolutely new story for me! Just the sort of thing I love.
Good reeading
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